Many workers’ compensation firms have dozens of attorneys and support staff. These so-called workers’ compensation “mills” treat their clients as does the government – – like just another claim number. We don’t. Our clients know that the lawyer who will be representing them at a workers compensation hearing will be the one they hired and not someone merely assigned to their file for the day.
Navigating a path through the confusing and seemingly illogical workers’ compensation system can be a daunting task, even for a lawyer who does not routinely practice in the area. When so much is at stake, it is essential to have an advocate that understands the law and the process on your side. We work with clients to answer questions and to assist them in navigating the often complicated and confusing workers’ compensation system. Our team works hard to balance advocacy with an appreciation for each client’s unique circumstances. We understand that often an injury at work represents the beginning of a long path to physical, economic and vocational recovery. Selecting an attorney with the skills and experience necessary to efficiently assist is crucial during this difficult time.