Unemployment Eligibility

In Ohio, most employers must make contributions for unemployment insurance for its employees. This is called “covered employment.” A worker in Ohio may receive unemployment benefits provided the following qualifying requirements are met:

  • The worker is not employed at the time of filing.
  • The worker had a minimum of 20 weeks of covered employment during the “base period,” or “alternate base period.”
  • The worker earned a minimum average weekly wage during the relevant base period, $220 currently, though the amount changes yearly.

In addition to the foregoing, the worker must not be out of work because the employer had “just cause,” to end the employment or, in the case of a worker who quits their employment, the worker is required to have just cause for the decision to do so.

If a worker is let go as a part of a layoff or a plant closing, or a position was abolished, because of a lack of work, the worker will generally qualify.

A worker generally may not collect benefits if they were fired for careless work, neglecting the job’s obligations and responsibilities or violated company rules and policies the worker knew or should have known about. Such a termination must, however, be consistent with that of a ordinary employer under similar circumstances.

If a worker has just cause to terminate their employment, they may also be eligible. Examples could include:

– A worker required to work under conditions that violate legal health or safety standards

-A worker subjected to harassment or humiliation

– A worker whose position is fundamentally altered such that it is not possible for the worker to complete their duties or work without substantial hardship

– A worker whose employer has not fulfilled the conditions of an employment a agreement or complying with wage and hour laws

– A worker who is locked out in a labor dispute may be eligible

To maintain eligibility, a worker must be available for work relating to her trade or occupation. The worker must also be available for suitable work for any shift of any trade or work consistent with her training and experience.

A worker must make a a good faith effort to find work and keep a written record of your weekly search efforts in the area where she worked or where work is normally performed.


This blog is written and published by Laufman & Napolitano, LLC