In Ohio, any employee injured on the job is eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim. And it doesn’t matter where you are, whether the injury occurs at the worksite or while running an errand for the boss, so long as you are in the “scope of employment” at the time.
The truth is that many workers’ compensation claims are approved. If your claim is approved, all related physician-prescribed medical costs are covered under the claim. In addition, workers’ compensation can provide wage reimbursement to employees whose injuries temporarily prevent them from working.
One key to approval is being thorough and honest with your doctor about any symptoms suffered from the injury. Being prompt in reporting the injury and open with your doctor increases the chances your workers’ compensation claim will be approved. It’s important not to shrug off what may seem like normal aches and pains following an injury on the job. Insufficient medical documentation is one of the main reasons for claim denials. Failure to fully disclose and document the impact of a job-related injury not only puts your health at risk, but could also affect your wallet if your workers’ compensation claim is denied.
If your claim is denied, all hope is not lost. Hiring an attorney concentrating in Ohio workers’ compensation law may assist you to pursue an appeal of your claim. Working with an attorney might also open up other avenues of compensation, especially in situations where work-related injuries are longer term or cause permanent disability.
No matter how mundane the symptoms might appear, the best plan of action for those unfortunate to experience an injury on the job is to report it. You never know if that minor nagging shoulder pain could turn into a major medical problem down the road.